
2015/10/06  Spectral programmable light source for scene illumination


Spectral programmable light source for scene illumination

iq-flatlight image


Illuminate reflective test charts and scenes with the exceptional benefits of this spectral programmable iQ-LED powered light source.

The flexible illumination of reflective test charts is now possible with iQ-Flatlight, a spectral programmable light source. It is the perfect tool to perform image quality measurements and a camera calibration.

Like the other illumination devices of the iQ-LED product line, iQ-Flatlight is able to emulate any standard illuminant or spectrum exactly by using the 22 LED-channels. Changing between different spectra in fractions of a second with one mouse click allows measurements under different lighting situations without the replacement or modification of the illumination system.

A pair of iQ-Flatlights is used, which are familiar from standard photo or video light units and they are placed on the left and right sides in front of the test chart. iQ-Flatlight is controlled by the accompanying software solution. The shiftable calibration device, based on a micro spectrometer, ensures a perfect spectral match and is also used to calibrate the iQ-Flatlight.

iQ-Flatlight can also be used to illuminate scenes or rooms for specific image quality measurements when mounted on the ceiling.

Technical information

iQ-Flatlight is available with 10 or 20 iQ-LED elements per light unit. With a pair of iQ-Flatlight a maximal intensity of 1000 lux respectively 2000 lux can be reached on the test chart (for details please see specifications). 
Each iQ-Flatlight is mounted on a rolling cart.

The emitted spectrum of iQ-Flatlight covers the visible range between 400 and 820 nm. 20 color channels and 2 white channels, adjustable in 1000 steps, are distributed over this range.

The control software comes with several predefined standard illuminants and a generation function Planck radiator spectra. 
iQ-Flatlights additionally contain a high quality fluorescence light source.

Due to the durable nature of LEDs and the internal calibration procedure, the lifetime of iQ-Flatlights is very long and always delivers the same quality of the spectra compared to other light systems.
